Thursday, September 15, 2011

hey there, virgin! still flexing that v card i see.

Is it smart to forego dating for a life of solitude? Should you be considered the next Mother Theresa? Do you devote the rest of your life to yourself, your family of origin, your career, and your dog? Which dater are you? The serial or the loner? I fit into the latter, the loner. My relationships are few and far between. They come every couple of years; you know, like, leap years. Currently, I’m in the year of solitude. Is it by choice? Not necessarily. Things just seem to work out that way for me. It could be that I’m picky. It could be that I’m open to anything. It could also be that I spend way too much time at home or in the dog park, which you would think is a great dating/meeting ground, but it isn’t- at least not at my local dog park. Would you consider my year of solitude a funk? Or just a year of re-virginization? Did you read that book The Accidental Virgin? I did. I’m finding a lot of similarities with the main character and myself. I’ll admit it. I’ll admit it. November was the last time- to quote the Jersey Shore cast- I “smushed.” I’m not saying that my BOB hasn’t been used. I’m just saying….nothing has entered that wasn’t battery operated. (My apologies for the “graphic” image.) Yes, come November. I’ll become the accidental virgin. Does that erase all my not-so-good experiences? Does that make my number be back at zero? Wouldn’t that be nice?! As you can see, asking questions is what I do best. I do it in my every day life. I ask a bunch of people, well, a bunch of questions. Some can be invasive and some just have no filter. I always give people the option of not answering. I am not a court of law; therefore, I do not require answers. So, let’s revisit my lack of a dating life. I don’t go out as much. If I do go out, it’s with friends. Said friends are usually in relationships and come coupled. No single ladies woo hoo chicks action. Eh…I’m sick of overanalyzing my dating life. It’s the past that doesn’t die or at least shut up. Here we start. The countdown to my birthday, November, the couple holidays. Bleh. Shall we have a throw up fest?

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

hello there, april

She swerves in and out. Full of passion then down in the dumps. She can’t maintain. She tries to hold on but can’t. Sometimes the voices grow louder, sometimes she shuts them up. Developing patterns for her should come easily, normally. However, she only sticks to the ones that are not good for her. The ones that hold her back. What is she lollygagging behind for? Doesn’t she understand the direness of it all? She’s almost all used up. Will the bursts last a day, two or three? Will the depression hole be 100 feet, 200 feet or 500 feet? Pick and choose. Maintain or push forward. Why does she keep relaxing? Is it really relaxing when she gets surges of anxiety? The anxiety attacks don’t go away. They grow more powerful. The holes just become deeper and darker. Wake up. Wake her up. Someone wake her up. She’s got the passion deep down inside. The energy is there. The surges are there. The hollowness is also there. Make her see what she needs to do. The irony of her inconsistency. For all it’s worth, she could’ve been a contender.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

wet nose freckle face

With a wet nose and deep soulful brown eyes you have my heart. Your skin is so pink and spotty. Your fur is so white and spotty. You’re by all means a teenager. You’re definitely a rebellious teenager. You want to be your own boss and own your domain. You want play and food only when you want it. The cuddling stops at the door. You don’t appreciate your momma’s hugs and kisses anymore. You think they’re embarrassing. You want more space in the bed. You want non-stop meaty bones by your bed. I wish I was around to see you as a puppy. I wish I could’ve spared you any pain. Hopefully I can give you a fulfilling, healthy, and happy life. I’d like your life to be full of play; hours and hours of play. I want you to develop into a well-mannered adult. An adult that is respectful, loving, and overall friendly. I want the world to notice you as the best they’ve ever seen. You’re my pride and joy and my family member. I will never abandon you or give you up. You and I are now one. If I should lose my home, I’ll make sure you still have the best. I’ve got a tent and aero bed for when times get rough. I’ll make sure to still exercise you and scavenge for you. You deserve the best. I want you to be happy. I want you to be uncontrollably happy. I adore you. I will always cherish you. I’ll always be there for you. You’re definitely my pride and joy.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a beautiful, happy day

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. What time is it? Not five o’clock? Ugh. Look busy. Turn your head. Look busy. What else can I Google? Google about birthdates, dogs, herbal medicine, etc. Is it too early to Google about Black Friday? Ugh. How am I feeling today? I’m not sure. I think a bit better. I’m still slightly sad but better than I was about three to four days ago. I’ve been feeling extra lonely. Growing up I’ve always had this image of myself of someone in a wealthy lifestyle but all alone. I was to amass a fortune, attend galas, donate lots of money but be alone. My life was one of making and giving away money. I didn’t picture a husband, kids or a dog. I thought corporate America would build me up to be one of its minions. Sadly, the being alone part has come true. I have no husband or kids. I do have a dog though. I guess that’s progress. Almost everyday I feel alone. I feel entrapped in my life of solitude and independence. I was taught to be independent and do things on my own. Sadly, I wasn’t taught how to share or do it with others. As a result of this, my achievements, successes, and happy moments have always been alone and behind close doors. I’ve never truly had anyone to share my intimates with, my life. I’d like to change that picture. I created my life and now I want to alter its course. After all, I am the author and protagonist. In the future, I still see myself well off BUT now I’m with a life partner who is hot, has a nice upper body, is romantic, and I have tons of good friends and loving people around me. I still attend galas and donate money but now I have more love in my life. I am happy. I am content. I have a loving, gorgeous, and romantic husband. We laugh together and spoil each other rotten. We complement each other well and we inspire each other. Our dogs are wonderful as well. They love running around in our big three bedroom, three and a half bathroom apartment in NoHo. After about five years of marriage, my husband and I are contemplating children. We’ve saved up enough money to retire and are already living lavishly well. I want to give my husband four children. During the holidays, we’re always together. In fact, everyone celebrates the holidays at our place. Both of our families adore each other. At summer time, we’re away at our summer home. The children love playing in the ocean. They know they are loved and are happy. We are one big happy family- Me, my husband, our four children, and our four dogs.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

kicked but not forgotten

Dear Mr. Nice Douchebag,

After our year-and-a-half long relationship ended, you’ve wanted to be friends. We talk like normal. We’ve hung out as normal, minus the kissing part of course. Lately I’ve been hinting at the fact of possibly getting together for the holidays. You’ve slyly not answered any of these hints. Instead you skip over them. My spidey senses tell me something is amiss. We just broke up. I get this is tough. However, I’m wondering why the suddenness of it all. I’m putting two-and-two together and they add up to the fact that you’ve met someone. You’re interested in someone; hence why you don’t answer my hints. I’d like to tell you that I know. When I sit down and think about things, they just pop up. Usually I’m warm; sometimes scalding. I’m feeling warmer with every hint. Therefore, this is an open letter to let you know that I will stop hinting. I’ll leave you alone. No we cannot maintain a friendship, especially not so soon after a break up. For some reason, I think I’m right on the money. Therefore, I’ll let you do you. Thanks for playing the game. I ended my mourning yesterday. I continue with my life because my world didn’t revolve around you. Thanks and good bye.

Yours truly,

Chupa Chups.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

too many ways to live life

As it would appear, I’m in good spirits. I’m not slouching as much, and my walk is taller. Some may even say I walk the catwalk. I’m in transformation mode; making sure I address all issues. Sadly, the other day I got reinforcements of the negative kind. I was informed that a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. As sad and devastating as the news is, she’s in the best of spirits. She seems ready for the battle. It doesn’t come as a surprise to her. At the early age of 40, her mother was taken. She knew there was always a possibility. I’m definitely uplifted by her courageous attitude. Were it I, I wouldn’t come out form under the sheets. I’m using her courage to push forward. Unfortunately, life and the future are unexpected. We must look onward and plan, but still live in the present. We need to live in the present without fear and regret. All we can do is live this moment. The past we lived and can’t change; the future is unforeseen and thus rendered uncontrollable. For now, we have choices. Face life with a positive attitude or hide. I’m choosing to live and face it. I’m tired of living in fear. I’m proud this beautiful young woman is my friend and confidant.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Obsessively, compulsed, and disordered. Anxiety-ridden and pill popping. Insomniac one day, hypersomnia the next. High soaring skies, deep valley lows. Today is yesterday’s future and tomorrow will be today’s threat. Impossibility but possibly magnanimous. Throat muscles clench. The strain. They have quick jerkings. Hard to breathe. It’s hard to exhale. A flood approaches in the north while an earthquake stirs in the south. Is it time to go yet? The sky is closing in. Everyone seems bigger. The skin crawls. Scratch, scratch, and scratch the maggots away. Did you see how big that one was? Pulsating legs, fast beating heart. Take my hand. It is sweating but cold. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Only two minutes have passed. Only two minutes have passed. Look down. Look at the watch. Scratch your arm. Look up. Watch out for that car. Watch out for the cars in the opposite direction. Step back. Step BACK. Wait on the curb. Wait on the curb. The orange hand begins. Tick. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tick. Tock. Green. Go. Cross. Look up. Are we there? No. When did the commute take a century? Help. I may collapse.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

splish, splash; i'm taking a bath

Welcome to my fragile world. One day I’m up, the next I’m down. For the most part, I’m in limbo. It’s always a riddle me this or riddle me that. Should there always be a smack? I snap out of it if (better when) I’m ready. I can’t control it. It’s an urge. It’s a cyclone. It’s more like a gravitational pull. Gravity- pull, pull, pull. To the center of the core I go. The core is filled with lots of darkness. In this darkness, there are splotchy holes. Splotchy holes everywhere. What’s splotchy? I don’t know. It’s the hole inside of the core. You take one step and SWISH, you fell into a hole. Watch your step, I say. It’s dangerous in there. You’d do best to wear your hardhat. Also, don’t forget your armor. Did I also mention your raincoats and galoshes? Galoshes- also known as boat shoes, dickersons or overshoes. Swish, swish, splash. Swish, swish, splash. The dark mud, you’re covered in it. Did you like the trip? Would you like to visit again? Personally, I wouldn’t want to be a frequent flier, but to each their own. My own. What is my own? I guardian a dog. I guardian my life. Both of which I believe I’m OK in. I could do better. Swish, Swish. Are you going back down? Why? It’s dark and splotchy. It’s dark and SPLOTCHY! Why?! Fine. I bid you adieu for I shall not go with you this time.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

happy, merry married

NB: Chupa Chups, Jr. My apologies for the broken record (post).

Yo! Yo! YO! Hey! HEY! HEY! Back it up! Back it up! You were so 2004! Do you know how long it took to get over you? A summer romance can last a very long time. A very, very, very long time. How does the saying go? Few minutes of pleasure, nine months of pain? Listen! It took me years to get over you! I had to hear about your girlfriends. Your possible boyfriend. Your engagement. Your MARRIAGE! I can’t believe after all this time you decide to make contact once more. After six long years, you attempt to cut open a 95% healed wound. I tried to keep in contact but you wouldn’t have it. Now after you’ve been married for almost a year you decide to say- Hey, how’s it going?! Are you insane?! Clearly! Luckily it didn’t sting as bad as it would’ve five years ago. Luckily it didn’t take me months to get over this. I’m thankful. I’m so very thankful for all the jabs throughout the years. They tore down this magical, wholesome picture I had stored. The jabs helped me heal. They hurt but they helped me heal. I’ll allow you this one pass but no more. Be on your merry and married life.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

cc, jr

Dearest Chupa Chups,

I’ve been reading your blog, and although mildly entertaining, I feel as if you whine too much. With this open letter, I plan on instructing you to the error of your ways. First, you’re very repetitive. Get over your past relationships. They are in the past for a reason. You’ve learned your lesson. You’ve experienced a moment. Please move forward. Stop living in the past. It only harbors more resentment. Second, I would like for you to quit restarting your life. Every post of starting fresh is meaningless unless you back it up with actions. One step in front of the other is all it takes. We’ve all been there but eventually we dig our feet out of the cement. Stop letting procrastination win. Also, stop blaming your failed attempts at procrastination. It’s there doing its job. Are you? Third, I find you mildly quirky. Ever thought of being a comedienne? No? Good. Work on it and then get into it. Do an open mic or something. See what happens.

Your avid reader,

Chupa Chups, Jr.

Dear Chupa Chups, Jr.

Thank you for your note. I find it very helpful to read feedback from my fans. I appreciate you taking the time to write your letter and offering such great suggestions. I’ll definitely take them into consideration.

Hope you keep reading!

All the best,

Chupa Chups

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

crickets are loud

With a piercing hot sun, rustling trees, and the chirping of birds, I sit in silence. I sit in suburbia. I sit in a town that’s not my own. I sit in silence. It’s very quiet in this town compared to mine. My town can’t even be called a town. It’s a city; a very, very big city. I like my city. Although I’m not acquainted with all my neighbors in my city, I still feel at home. I feel relatively safe in a not so safe place. Here in suburbia, however, I feel…. I don’t know. I have a new dog now. His name is Sir Charles Nathaniel Michael Lockwood. In this town, he sometimes feels scared. I, too, sometimes feel scared. I get lost even in my city, so getting lost here is also a piece of cake. He seems to be OK with suburbia for the most part, but sometimes he’s not. He gets scared. I get scared. He loves the grass though. Here, in this town, there is LOTs of grass. There’s definitely more grass and trees than in my city. Birds are always chirping here and he loves that. He loves to chase them. I don’t think he gets it that they can fly away. Oh well….who am I to say you can’t really chase the skies? I watch a lot more National Geographic here. They have no DVR. In my DVR back at home, I have recorded soaps and movies for moments of silence. Here there is no DVR. Here they have a CVS. The CVS is the highlight of this town. I kid you not. It’s the highlight of the town. The second highlight is the Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins. These “three” establishments are the highlights of the town. As I walk through the town, I notice that I’m the only one walking. I notice that my dog and I are the only people really in the street. People drive here. They drive a lot. I don’t know how to drive. I never cared much for it or needed it to survive. I don’t drive. SO, I walk. I walk in this town that doesn’t walk. They drive. Here I sit in silence. Walking to the CVS is only fun once. It’s definitely not an all day sort of activity. It’s not like they have a proper meeting place with TVs and music. It’s a regular CVS. In my city we have lots of Duane Reades; here there are no Duane Reades. I sit. I sit in silence. I sit in suburbia because I wanted a change of scenery. My fight/flight response always leads to flight. My passport is always handy. This is why I’m in suburbia. I’m in flight mode. Over what? I do not know. I’m constantly in flight. When I take steps to fly, I feel calm. I feel as if I’m doing the right thing. However, when I clip on the airplane seatbelt, I feel like I may have made a mistake. The first ounce of doubt clicks in. The second appears later on at night just before bedtime. I’m in flight mode once again because I don’t want to stay and face whatever is scaring me. I’m in suburbia. It’s very silent here. The silence drowns me. I feel engulfed by the silence. The National Geographic channel is on very loud. It’s at a higher decibel than normal because of the silence. It’s a drowning silence. It makes me think. It makes the feelings come out. I’m in suburbia.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

jabs and stabs

When I am resentful I lash out. I lash out at you. I lash out at you for abandoning me. I feel as if it is abandonment when all of a sudden you disappear. You feel as if it is alright to pick up whenever you want. You go away for a while, come back, and expect me to just start back again. I can’t. I have real feelings. You abandoned me. You are not there any more. I’m still here. I’m waiting for your arrival or some sort of apology. Days go by and I get neither. Now we are into months, I still wait. I am still waiting. Months go by. I’m still waiting. Once I hit the year mark, I get the hint. You’ve gone. Well….look at that…its two years now. How are you? Um, I’m fine. You left. I was coming back though. Really? I hadn’t noticed. I waited two years with nothing. I’m not happy with this situation. Please don’t approach me or I’ll bite. I’ll take a bite out of you. Not a physical one but a metaphorical one. You abandoned me. I’m no happy or OK with that. Please explain yourself. Nope. It’s not good enough. I don’t trust you now. You leave. Things aren’t the same. I know it. Things won’t get back to the sameness. I’ve been abandoned. I feel abused. I feel left behind. You did this too many times. Why? Did I do something wrong? I don’t trust you. I won’t ever trust you. You left. You left me alone to die. Thank you for doing so. I woke up because of it. I’m not trying again. In fact, I’ll make sure to cut you before you cut me. I’ve got the sarcastic gene in me. My tongue will cause whiplashes. One after the other, the criticisms and small jabs will keep coming. Until I feel vindicated, this from the looks of it will take years to remedy.

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Monday, May 17, 2010


Void. Empty. Hole. Where human emotions are inserted, my box has a huge gapping hole. It makes me feel empty inside because I don’t experience things in the same way. I have a void. I don’t know how to fill the hole up. I excommunicate myself from human society as best I can. It helps in the beginning but begins to sting in the next stage. I prevent negativity and let downs by staying far away; creating the ever elusive ten-foot pole. I can’t fill this void. I don’t know how to. I’ve attempted to assimilate but somehow I still feel like an outcast. I’ve gone through many of life’s stages feeling the exact same way. I can’t penetrate the inner core so I stay in the outskirts. Nothing fills it up. I’ve tried material things, education, travel, and even people. It doesn’t work. Why doesn’t it work? How can I grow out of this? Is it permanent? What exactly is this feeling? I take a deep breathe in and exhale. I take another. Another….. Soon, if I don’t pace myself and my thoughts, it becomes a panic attack. Count…one, two, three, four….breathe….five, six, seven, eight….breathe…nine……ten. Breathe. One breathe in, two out. I don’t know what to do. I have resources and use them but I can’t shake it off. I can’t shake it off. Help.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

map of the us

visited 0 states (0%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

I’m a traveler. I love to travel. Traveling is fun. When I plan for trips, I get excited. I feel like all is right with the world. I not only travel in my home state but I travel the world. Sadly, I don’t know much about the United States of America; a country comprised of fifty lovely states and its territories. Whenever I travel abroad, I always tell myself that I want to see America; the real America, not just my own city—the sides of America. I want to see the oddities that people see alongside highways. I want to see a freeway. I want to see America. America the beautiful, she has beautiful territories/states from sea to shinning sea. I want to see the Pacific Ocean on the American coast. I travel abroad and they call me an American but I don’t know what America really is. I want to see states full of Republicans. I want to see trailer parks. I want to see Nashville, TN. To be quite honest, I’ve been dying to see Nashville. I love country music (which is something not appreciated in my state). SO seeing as I accomplish all (or most) the goals I set forth, I want to set this one and achieve it with flying stars- fifty to be exact. My goal: In 2010, I want to see ALL fifty states of the United States of America. I want to start from scratch. I’ve seen about eleven states already but I’m going to start new, with a fresh clean slate map. I’m going to be posting about the states I’ve visited and post pictures. Internet world out there, please comment on what I should see in your state. I’m going to need tons of help. I don’t have my driver’s license so it’s going to be tough. Ha. It’s a challenge I accept though. Here’s to my journey. I want a life worth living. I want adventures through and through. My life thus far has been composed of many anxious moments and I want to stop that. I want to enjoy every moment and stop thinking about the world and my future. Ultimately, I’m only here for a few moments, I might as well enjoy the ride. Join me in my journey.

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